Reference Cards, Cheat Sheets, Posters, whatever they are called.

Tonight I tried to find quick reference sheets for both UML and BPMN, free of course.  There are quite a fewer different terms for them be it poster, reference cards, cheat sheets, quick guides etc.  However, once I got into several sites by searching for "Reference Cards" I found the other names for these small printable guides to various technologies. Oh yes, and much more managable or likely to be used than "pocket references" which don't fit in your pocket.

List of quality sites quick guides: (singular) of)

I did not find a suitable quality UML guide (Stackoverflow has a list), but the BPMN poster at though outdated at time of this post was still really well done. There are several red herring links which get referenced a lot, but are not that good, ex: (How are you to carry this around?) Any other good sites that have a listing of printable reference guides?


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