A brief description - Model Architecture

The blog name "Model Architecture" is by no means descriptive or clear, however, it does provide sufficient latitude to post on most topics I am interested in. The goal of this blog is to start pulling energy back into modeling. The hype has faded and the subsequent contraction has left practitioners and new modelers in a vacuum. As the technologies and standards change, but the problems remain there is always plenty to discuss. Not that one person can really effect this... ya ya ya. Ok, not everything but this list should prove a fairly close guide.
  • UML
  • Modeling Tools
  • OO methods (OOAD, POAD, SOAD, IOAD, etc)
  • Book reviews
  • DSLs - Domain Specific Languages
  • Software Standards - WS 2.0, Frameworks, patterns
  • Comments on other posts and articles.
Who I am is not really important as I am not someone famous or influential. What I do might be, so I am a Project Architect with a financial company and a graduate student at the University of Minnesota. My focus has been on usability, data, and modeling. Although you may not see it as a defining important personal descriptor I do, I am a Lisp/Functional language advocate. Far to fewer people know it or use it.

Well if you have any ideas or thoughts comment away.


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