Book review - "More Joel on Software"

Not the most relevant first post, but what ya going to do. I just read the book More Joel on Software. Now if you don't know Joel on Software but still some how have arrived at my blog, which I consider VERY unlikely, here is the scoop. Joel on Software is a extremely popular blog with over a million reads on some articles. Joel Spolsky writes is a informal engaging way an takes on all software questions. If you don't know Joel's blog and are still reading this post and have not yet googled it click this Joel on Software, then come back.

Ok now that everyone is up to speed I better review it or something. If you are not connected to the internet and are not nerdy enough to cache the entire Joel on software website onto your phone or pda then you might just want to buy this book. The articles were selected to provide some general theme and flow to the book despite the chapters being desperite posts on the webstie. Though I made it through the book I was not wow'ed and struggled to stay motivated near the end. Keep in mind though that I may not be a typical reader or target audience for this book. If you have never read Joel's blogs/articles then and are not already involved in tough software questions then this book may keep you involved. I however had read some of the articles before. The subjects around how to start/run a business were to general for me. The language and lisp/javascript commentary was old news for me. I was oddly most entertained by the person stories and comments about college couses/topics as I had a similar experience. All that said, if you are a technical personal, but not in the thick of language/software design then this book is a refreshing get away from reading a technical manual on vacation as it was for me.


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