DSMForum.org great resources, worth a look.

I have followed the DSM (Domain specific modeling) happenings online for sometime now and at best the community is scattered and most discussions/happenings limited to conferences. However, the DSMForum.org pulls this information together for easy consumption. Don't be fooled by the dated last century website design, all nerdy modeling website look that way. The DSM Publications page provides the best set of links for DSMs on the web, including podcast, conferences, and papers. Dispite one of the co-founders working for MetaCase a tool I am not currently focusing I found their coverage not too biased.

The tools page they provide is nearly accurate, playing down eclipse and rational contributions a little bit, but the list represents the major players to my knowledge. RSM/RSA now has a UML Profile Tooling capability and eclipse GMF has beta WYSISYG editor the list could use rework, but a minor complaint.

They also have a Linked-in group, although it is not that active.


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