Vote Earth - reduce, reuse, recycle, in that order

I am voting earth, this blog post is my digital post for balance. You don't have to eat grass and walk to work to be green. Tonight I will go for a walk at 8:30 once the lights are turned off and then play cards, heck I won't have to code/program. I enjoy life, and I do it smart, they are not XOR or mutually exclusive.

The phrase reduce, reuse, recycle is in order for a reason.

1. Reduce your consumption: If a person were to buy an H2 Hummer maintain it and drive it for a life time it would be better for the environment than a person who buys a new hybrid every time it comes out. The most expensive part of a car environmentally is typically its construction, assuming it is maintained (ya know keeps a muffler). I buy quality items that will last a long time so I am buying fewer things. I also make an effort to buy fewer things in general, less to clutter my house and the landfills. Like tonight at 8:30 I am turning the lights/heater out. Don't accept the free printers that come with computers unless you need it. I have 3 in my office right now that people gave me when they got new free ones. They still worked and have ink. Don't always fall into the trap of buying a new energy efficient thing and

The interesting thing about the economic down turn is that I suspect in general it is good for the environment as more people figure out how not to buy things they don't really need. Think about cars the most complex common commodity off late years production/sales by 40-50%. That means fewer new cars built hurting the environment and more local repairs to maintain existing cars.

2. Reuse: I buy used cars and maintain them, they are quality cars that will last a long time. Stretch a computer out another year by replacing the one slow component like a graphics card or the memory. Turn down the heat in your house and turn up the heat near you with blankets etc. In the summer get used to warmer temps and use a low power fan to maximize cool air. Give away what is still good shape or EBay.

3. Recycle: Finally when you can keep something no longer and no one else wants it then do the right thing and recycle what you can. Be reasonable at least. If dell offers free or near free recycling for computers do it. Save your electronics for free events that are offered once a year, at least in the us.


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