Vote Earth - reduce, reuse, recycle, in that order
I am voting earth , this blog post is my digital post for balance. You don't have to eat grass and walk to work to be green. Tonight I will go for a walk at 8:30 once the lights are turned off and then play cards, heck I won't have to code/program. I enjoy life, and I do it smart, they are not XOR or mutually exclusive. The phrase reduce, reuse, recycle is in order for a reason. 1. Reduce your consumption: If a person were to buy an H2 Hummer maintain it and drive it for a life time it would be better for the environment than a person who buys a new hybrid every time it comes out. The most expensive part of a car environmentally is typically its construction, assuming it is maintained (ya know keeps a muffler). I buy quality items that will last a long time so I am buying fewer things. I also make an effort to buy fewer things in general, less to clutter my house and the landfills. Like tonight at 8:30 I am turning the lights/heater out. Don't accept the free print...