Martin Fowler and Markus Völter on DSLs

Martin Fowler and Markus Völter on DSLs - JAOO Conference Somewhat interesting discussion by some DSL leaders. There is a small bias around a specific vendor's software, but interesting to listen too.

What they talked about, my notes:
- Internal
- External
- IDE/Language Workbench
- MDA is vaporware
Eclipse GMF/EMF/Textual Languages
CASE Tools, COBOL, Fantasy that programmers are not needed.
Levels of DSL/DSM tooling - Documentation/Testing/Execution
Custom Syntax (External DSL) vs Internal Syntax (Internal DSL , Lisp/Ruby)
Method Chaining, Cool!
1 notation or many notations
(Excel, Boxes and Lines, etc) Power in how to combine the notations.
Divergence, Experimentation, and then Convergence.
UML is not a factor, so they think.

Here is the book in progress that Martin Fowler references, it was in draft form at time of my writing this post. Fowler's DSL book draft


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