What "Done, and gets things smart" means to modelers.

The "Done, and gets things smart" phrase coined by Steve Yagge and the "Smart and gets things done" phrase and book by Joel Spolsky are great mantras of modes of operation for technology geeks. Modelers should make special note however as the job of modeling is viewed as overhead or just smart people's diagrams.

The "Done" part for modelers is critical in several ways. One, Modeling never seems to be done, it can always be improved and two, it always need to be done yesterday because the developers, business, PMs, and Stakeholders don't see direct value in modeling. Ok, modelers done means actually putting a line in the sand of when the model is good enough, and no this should not be based on your comfort level of showing everything or the number of elements and number of diagrams it should be based on the business needs and drivers, the amount of time the developers need to code up your crazy over engineered design, the market demands, whatever! A model of a system or process that never gets implemented is useless other than too add another notch to your diagramming belt. This brings us to the second part of "done" which is not really your, the modeler, problem but managing others perception and demands. You need time to do your work, however, your work must demonstrate value. Real value is finishing, the modeling needs to get done on or ahead of time.

But Ted, what if being done meanings cutting corners or not going to the granularity required to guide the developers in every aspect? How is that smart? Here is the challenge, I contend that a great modeler knows what pieces parts or elements of a model/solution must be in place to ensure success (Success by most concerned parties measures). Many smart people have asked many smart questions or labored over a large document (Tax reform, all laws, etc) and did more harm than good. If someone asks you 20 questions or read 100 pages and only 3 questions and 16 pages mattered is that smart? Didn't think so. Modelers have qualities which must be managed to be "done, get things smart". Modelers have strong analytical minds that can shoot out more questions than a room of people can answer and they are detail oriented. Left un-managed nothing would ever get completed and no it is not your boss's task. Diagrams have audiences other than yourself and other dorks. Target your audience, this requires more smarts than just creating complete models it requires considering other aspects or factors affecting your final product, from developer's need, project time lines, readability, etc. As a modeler your are more than a drawer of lines and interpreter of facts.

So for Modelers the phrase or mantra should be "Done, and gets things smart enough" for all the reasons mentioned above. This is not easy and it separates the good from the great. Besides perfection should be left to gods and idiots.


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