Common Misunderstanding of UML
Over at Stack Overflow a question was posted " Is UML practical? ". The question itself is fine, but several of the answers were so narrowly focused. I believe that the everyday developer only sees UML as only a common set of shapes drawing a picture. Granted it has a common set of shapes for notation, but UML is first and foremost about modeling. (Big surprise coming from a Modeling Website). Where did this dis-information come from? In my experience the UML for diagrams message comes from schools/universities and popular UML books. Schools will often only teach UML as a way to diagram the solution you and your team of group participants are going to code up. Well of course it seems a little redundant in that contrived learning environment. UML's concepts are to large to teach in the same class as project management 101 or multi-developer projects 101. Most people just don't go any further with it and thus the collective knowledge is that UML is for making d...