Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) - Simple in good and bad times
Now I am biased having just dealt with IBM's MQ product line and the walled garden approach to their tool suite, so I might be over complementary to Amazon AWS SQS . Okay, one more thing about IBM MQ, just look at the website , tired, old, selfware; some might argue stable, but hype is the name of the game. On the other hand AWS SQS fresh and simple , by name, approach, use, and in features. However, I believe there is something simply excellent about that. Simple Setup - I had a queue up and running in 30 seconds. I clicked on the AWS Management Console tab, a browser/java based tool and entered some stuff in and bam queue. Then I right clicked on it, snappy, I can write a message to it. So, again I right clicked on the queue entry listed in the AWS SQS console and found a real-time queue reader/listener, and hey I can even delete messages. Simple Developer Tools - Sure enough I flip over to the eclipse based tools and as expected I could acce...